CRM industry experts, business and technology leaders to join bpm’online Networking Day for extensive collaboration and networking

10 March, 2016
Bpm'online, whose process-driven CRM for marketing, sales and service helps over 6,500 organizations win more customers, is happy to announce bpm’online Networking Day, a premier annual gathering that brings together CRM industry experts, bpm’online partners, and clients. The event will take place in Boston, MA on May 3, 2016. The attendance is free of charge.

Bpm’online Networking Day will provide participants with an opportunity to collaborate and discuss strategies that help businesses win in a rapidly changing business environment. The event will gather CRM experts, business leaders and owners, bpm’online clients and partners, system integrators and tech companies, to gain valuable insights on the latest CRM industry trends, share CRM success recipes and best practices as well as obtain in-depth knowledge of bpm’online’s platform and technology.

The event’s agenda will feature keynotes delivered by the company’s CEO and top executives, and inspiring speeches from key industry analysts, including Paul Greenberg, the author of the best-selling ‘CRM at the Speed of Light’ and Managing Principal of The 56 Group, LLC, and Barton Goldenberg, CRM pioneer, founder & president of ISM, and author of ‘The Definitive Guide to Social CRM’.

Bpm’online Networking Day will offer two comprehensive tracks for business and technology leaders in attendance to drill down into the hottest topics based on their interests. The Business Track, will offer participants a wealth of strategic guidance and tactical recommendations to empower the entire enterprise with the new opportunities for growth. The Technology Track will give attendees an opportunity to advance their skills in bpm’online platform, technologies, customization, integration, and business process management capabilities.

"We are thrilled to be able to provide an outlet for business leaders to collaborate and engage with one another. Bpm’online Networking Day 2016 will be a great venue to share best practices, and to discuss opportunities and winning strategies that have proven to deliver in an ever-evolving business environment,“ said Katherine Kostereva, CEO and Managing Partner at bpm’online. “Attendees will have a unique opportunity to gain key insights into how they can leverage their CRM to not only win more deals, but to enhance customer experience as the age of the customer takes hold.”

The attendance is free of charge for bpm’online partners and customers, but seats are limited.
Reserve your seat at bpm’online Networking Day now!

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